From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (8)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (7)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (6)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (5)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (4)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (3)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (2)
From the Collection "Gods, Beasts, and Women" by Juliana Seraphim (1)
A Drawing by Juliana Seraphim
From Ḥiwār no. 3
Juliana Seraphim (1934-2005), a Palestinian artist born in Jaffa.
Return to Jerusalem
ʻĪsá Bullāṭah, ʿĀʾid ilā al-Quds (Bayrūt: Dār al-Ittiḥād, 1998)
al-Qalaq wa-tamjīd al-ḥayāh: kitāb takrīm Jabrā Ibrāhīm Jabrā
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān Munīf (Bayrūt : al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah li-l-Dirāsāt wa-l-Nashr, 1995).
Men in the Sun - 1st Edition
Ghassān Kanafānī's Rijāl fī al-shams, 1st ed. (1963)
Jidāriyyat Maḥmūd Darwīsh
Jidārīyat Maḥmūd Darwīsh : qaṣīdah kutibat ʻām 1999 (Bayrūt: Riyāḍ al-Rayyis li-l-Kutub wa-l-Nashr, 2000).
Madīḥ al-ẓill al-ʿālī
Maḥmūd Darwīsh's In Praise of the High Shadow (Bayrūt: Dār al-ʿAwdah, 1984).
A World Not For Us
By Ghassān Kanafānī (Bayrūt, Lubnān : Muʼassasat al-Abḥāth al-ʻArabiyyah : Muʼassasat Ghassān Kanafānī al-Thaqāfiyyah, 1980).
Jabra Ibrahim Jabra's Shout in a Long Night
Ṣurākh fī layl ṭawīl : riwāyah. Bayrūt : Dār al-Ādāb, 1988.
Jabrā's "Sweat"
Jabrā Ibrāhīm Jabrā's ʿAraq: wa-bidāyāt min ḥarf al-yāʾ (Bayrūt: Dār al-Ādāb, 1989).
5th printing, from Dār al-Ādāb, Beirut (2007)
Jabrā Ibrāhīm Jabrā's In Search of Walīd Masʿūd
Ghassān Kanafānī's Palestinian Resistance Literature
The cover of the 3rd printing (1987) of al-Adab al-Filasṭīnī al-muqāwim taḥt al-iḥtilāl 1948-1967 (Nicosia, Cyprus: Muʾassasat al-Abḥāth al-ʿArabiyyah).