Mirzāq Biqṭāsh (al-Jazāʼir: al-Muʼassasah al-Waṭaniyyah li-l-Kitāb, 1986)
Al-Mūmis wa-l-Baḥr: Qiṣaṣ
Mirzāq Biqṭāsh (al-Jazāʼir : al-Muʼassasah al-Waṭaniyyah li-l-Kitāb, 1986)
Three Drops of Blood
Ṣādiq Hidāyat, Sih qaṭrih-yi khūn (Tihrān: Jāvīdān, 2536 [1977])
The Birds and The Recital of Land and Sky
ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Bū Shufayrāt, al-Ṭuyūr wa-maʿzūfat al-arḍ wa-l-samāʾ (al-Jazāʼir: al-Muʼassasah al-Waṭanīyah li-l-Kitāb, 1983)
They Die Strangers: A Novella and Stories From Yemen
Mohammad Abdul-Wali, translated by Abubaker Bagader and Deborah Akers, introduction by Shelagh Weir (Austin : Center for Middle Eastern Studies, the University of Texas at Austin, 2001).
Shaykhūkhah and Other Stories
By Laṭīfah al-Zayyāt (al-Qāhirah : Dār al-Mustaqbal al-ʻArabī, 1986
The Hunter in the Hut by ʿAbd al-Ḥakīm Ḥaydar
Short story collection Ṣayyād fī khuṣṣ by ʻAbd al-Ḥakīm Ḥaydar (al-Qāhirah : Dār Sharqīyāt lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 1995).
Muḥammad Shukrī's al-Khaymah
A collection of short stories.
The Short Stories of Yūsuf Idrīs - Vol. II
The Short Stories of Yūsuf Idrīs - Black and White
The Short Stories of Yūsuf Idrīs
Cover of Yūsuf Idrīs' collected short stories, published by Dār al-Shurūq in 1991. Art by Ḥilmī al-Tūnī.
Cover of Ghassān Kanafānī's 1969 collection of short stories, Umm Saʿd : qiṣaṣ filasṭīniyyah (Bayrūt: Dār al-ʿAwdah).