Leila Abouzeid, translated from the Arabic by Barbara Parmenter, introduction by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea, introduction to the revised edition by Barbara Harlow ([Austin, TX]: Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2009).
The Author and His Doubles
My Torturess by Bensalem Himmich
Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2015. Translated by Roger Allen.
Bayt al-Nuʿās
The House of the Tired by Idrīs Khūrī (al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ : Majmūʻat al-Baḥth fī al-Qiṣṣah al-Qaṣīrah bi-l-Maghrib, 2008)
Short stories
Zafzaf's Wide Mouths
Muḥammad Zafzāf, Afwāh wāsiʾah (Dār al-Bayḍāʿ: Maṭbaʾat al-Janūb, 1998)
Muḥammad Shukrī's Time of Mistakes (Streetwise)
Moroccan author Muḥammad Shukrī's Zaman al-akhṭāʾ, alternatively titled al-Shuṭṭār, the 2nd volume of his three-part autobiography, a sīrah dhātiyyah riwāʾiyyah ("a novelistic autobiography").
The Polymath
Binsālim Himmīsh's Al-ʿAllāmah (al-Rabāṭ : Maṭbaʻat al-Maʻārif al-Jadīdah, 2001)
Muḥammad Shukrī's al-Khaymah
A collection of short stories.
Anthology of Modern Iranian Short Stories (in Arabic)
Considering the deep transnational connections of Arabic and Persian literature, there is a real dearth of books like this one--particularly when we consider the modern period. An admirable effort here!